May 2016

Post date: May 1, 2016 3:52:01 AM

This month's newsletter, written by Melissa Wiltrout:

Yesterday it poured rain, giving me an unexpected day off from work. I should have used the time to clean my apartment, but instead chose to spend the time baking -- crafting homemade potato bread, caramel cinnamon rolls, and brownies. My housemates didn't seem to mind my taking over the kitchen for the afternoon, especially when the cinnamon rolls came out. I enjoy baking, largely because my mother took the time to teach me when I was a child. It may not be her greatest gift to me, but it certainly is one of my favorites.

Writing Prompt: In a few weeks, we'll be celebrating Mother's Day. Father's Day is right behind it. Take a few minutes to write a letter to your mother, your father, or another special person in your life, expressing what you most appreciate about them. Share it with them on their special day, if you choose.

COMING UP: May 10, 2016 - Join us as Members of the Guild share pieces of their writing during our annual Showcase. We will share our writing and there will be plenty of goodies to partake of as well!


If you want to receive feedback on your work, come early (5:30 p.m.) to meet with others. Bring 6-8 copies of your short piece (300 words or so) for the group to read along as you share. You could bring what you’ve written in response to the prompt above, or something else you’re working on. It can be a portion of a book chapter, or a short article too.

See you at the May meeting!